“The Reiki method is not only for curing illness. Its true purpose is to correct the heart-mind, keep the body fit, and lead a happy life using the spiritual capabilities human beings were endowed with since birth.” - Dr. Mikao Usui

“Reiki” (ray - key), is a laying on of hands healing technique thousands of years old. It is a spiritual healing practice that brings balance and an enhanced sense of well-being through gentle touch for the purpose of healing. It is thought to have originated as a Tibetan Buddhist practice that was rediscovered in the late 1800's by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan.

Reiki is a form of complementary Healing, which enhances the body's ability to heal itself. It is very simple yet powerful technique that can be easily learned by anyone.

Reiki is easy to learn and self-treatment is the foundation of the practice. Reiki is most often used as a home or folk art to soothe the physical and mental distresses of everyday family life. Reiki is also practiced in professional settings and in conjunction with conventional medical care.

Reiki does not require belief in order to be effective. Being open to trying Reiki is all you need.

Reiki does not require meditation, physical manipulation of any kind, breathing patterns, or any effort at all. It’s a gentle and effective holistic technique for effortlessly receiving the life force energy you need to restore your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.

Reiki is a powerful and gentle healing technique that:
  • Relaxes your muscles
  • Promotes natural self-healing
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Relieves pain
  • Relaxes and reduces stress
  • Treats symptoms and causes of illness
  • Balances the energies in the body
  • Clears toxins
  • Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver
  • Enhances personal awareness
  • Releases blocked and suppressed feelings
  • Assists meditation and positive thinking
  • Energizes you and brings balance, well-being and harmony
  • Promotes creativity
  • Heals holistically
  • Compliments all forms of treatments and therapies
Reiki Healing helps " STUDENTS "
  • To increase concentration power
  • To increase self confidence
  • To increase memory power
  • To overcome exam phobia and enhance will power
Reiki Healing helps in " RELATIONSHIP "
  • Love / Relationship problems
  • Problems in partnership / Business
  • Peace in family
  • Divorce Problems
Reiki Healing helps to " BREAK ADDICTION "
  • Alcohol Addiction
  • Drug Addiction
  • Food Addiction
  • Gambling
  • Food Addiction - Weight Lose
Reiki Healing helps for " GOAL ACHIEVEMENT "
  • Job
  • Marriage
  • Health
  • Wealth
  • Property

What Reiki is Not

Your practitioner is not a licensed physician. REIKI is a complement to 'healing arts services licensed by the state', i.e., it is a complement to more traditional western medicine provided by doctors, nurses and hospitals. As a complementary or alternative medicine, REIKI does not require licensing by the state.

Nature of the Services

Provided During a Reiki Session, the client lies down or is seated, fully clothed. The practitioner(s) place their hands on or above the body and allow the REIKI to radiate from the hands.

Theory of Treatment Stress, trauma and illness restrict the natural flow of Ki or Chi life force energy through the body. By restoring KI to the body, Reiki rejuvenates the body’s ability to relax and de-stress, and supports its ability to heal itself. It is a way to ‘tune-up’ your energy to its healthiest state allowing for healing to take place.

In addition to the practitioner radiating the Reiki energy through their hands, sessions may involve the practitioners sweeping their hands above the body in various ways, or incorporating breath or vocal tones to break up energy blocks.

The Principles of Reiki

The hands-on practice isn’t the whole picture. Reiki also teaches five principles for calming the heart and mind.

Just for today, I will not be anger

Just for today, I will not worry

Just for today, I will be grateful

Just for today I will do my work honestly

Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing

Just for today, I will not be anger.

Anger at others or oneself or at the whole world, creates serious blockages in one's energy. It is the most complex inner enemy.

Reiki is an excellent tool to remove anger blockages which have accumulated in the body over years, but it cannot remove the residue of current anger which occurs daily.

Letting go of anger. brings Piece into the Mind.

Just for today, I will not worry.

While anger deals with past and present events, worry deals with future ones. Although worry is not always a negative phenomenon, endless worries may fill one's head, and each one bores a small hole in one's body and soul. While anger requires a focused Reiki treatment to remove obstacles, worry requires the energy to be spread throughout the entire body.

Letting go of worry, brings healing into the Body.

Just for today, I will be grateful.

When we show gratitude and give thanks for the many blessing we receive, we attract more blessings to ourselves. We cannot get what is truly ours by divine right if we fear of not having it.

Be grateful from your hart inward. Inner intention is the important element in this principle. Simple things as thanks, forgiveness, smile, good words, gratitude can improve others life and make them happy.

Being thankful brings Joy into the Spirit.

Just for today, I will do my work honestly.

Harmony, peace and serenity come in life by living honestly. By being honest in all our thoughts, words, and deeds. We project honesty on to others as well.” Support yourself and your family respectably, without harming others. Earn a respectable living, live a life of honour.

Working Honestly brings Abundance into the Soul.

Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.

Everything in nature is harmonious when we love and are king to all living creatures. By doing this we feel a sense of unity. Loving others is loving oneself.

Honour your parents, honour your teachers, honour your elders. Being Kind brings Love into the Will.

How does Reiki works

The radical principle that propels all healing: Your basic nature is to be healthy.

When you cut your finger, it heals naturally. Your body is constantly working to heal itself, no matter what.

So are your heart and mind—they’re deliberately seeking happiness. Every single thing you do is a reaching out for peace or happiness and a turning away from discomfort.

When you’re sick or upset, it drains your energy. On the other side of the coin, depleted energy opens the door to illness or emotional/mental disturbance, making it more difficult for your body and being to self-correct.

To start feeling better, you need to help your body and mind do what it is already trying to balance.

The more whole and peaceful you are, the greater your natural vitality. When you feel whole and healthy, vital and peaceful, you naturally reach out in loving kindness to the people around you. Now it's not just your body or mental state that affected. You considered improved your whole immediate world.

Keys to vitality.

These two healing elements come together in Reiki.


Since the beginning of time, human touch has been a powerful healing agent. Caring, appropriate touch is vital to human health and is especially healing when you’re in pain.

Harmony and Balance

You are an interconnected part. Your symptoms do not stand alone and are different from the rest of you. Treating your entire kit and Kabuli, not only your symptoms, balances your body, heart, brain and soul. When these are in harmony, you feel completely better.

Reiki Natural Healing is a gentle touch therapy that induces deep rest and replenishes your vital energy. By placing our hands-on specific points on your clothed body, your whole being is refreshed and restored, not just your symptoms. A Reiki treatment naturally supports your movement toward greater health.