Karuna Reiki ?

What is Karuna Reiki ?

Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism and Jain. It is translated to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as "compassionate action." When individuals experience enlightenment, they report that all beings are known as one. Therefore, it is natural to extend compassionate action or Karuna to everyone without distinction because we are all one. As we help others and aid them in their healing process, all beings benefit. Because of the oneness of all beings, it is understood that Karuna is not only extended to others out of love, but also because it is an entirely logical thing to do. In the same way that you would want to heal your own wounds, you would also want the wounds of others to heal. It is also stated in the Buddhist literature that Karuna must be accompanied by prajna or wisdom in order to have the right effect.

Karuna is the motivating quality of all enlightened beings who are working to end suffering on Earth. They continually send an unlimited amount of healing energy and guidance to us, but not all are receptive to it. As you develop Karuna in yourself, not only are you helping others, but you also become more receptive to the Karuna that is being sent by all enlightened beings. Thus, your healing is quickened as well.

Karuna Reiki opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings. This includes those enlightened ones who are physically present as well as those in spirit.

Origin of the Karuna system of Reiki:

The Kaurna system of Reiki was developed by William L. Rand.

The symbols were channelled by several other Reiki master including Marcy Miller, Kellie-Ray Marine, Pat Courtney, Catherine Mills Bellamont, and Marla Abraham.

William used the symbols and found them to have value, but felt that they had more potential than what was being accessed.

He meditated on them and was guided to develop the attunement process and to call the new system Karuna Reiki.

Some of the symbols used in Karuna Reiki are used in other systems, but they do not have the same effectiveness of healing energies as in the Karuna System.

Karuna Reiki energy is different than Usui Reiki and in fact, most students find it more powerful than Usui Reiki.

The energy of Karuna has a more definite feeling to it and works on all the energy bodies at the same time.

Students report a feeling that the energy surrounds them and the client as well as flowing through them.

Karuna Reiki also has a grounding effect.

Karuna Reiki practitioners often report experience with their guides, angels, and higher self-feel the healing presence of other enlightened beings.

Benefits of Karuna Reiki:

Karuna Reiki® opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings. This includes those enlightened ones who are physically present as well as those in spirit.

It helps our transpersonal energy system become more fully activated, working with transpersonal chakras, such as the stellar gateway, soul star, causal chakra, etheric heart, earth star.

Karuna Reiki® assist us to heal deeply, and through this process we are empowered to help ourselves and others, contributing to total healing of the planet.

Karuna Reiki® energy goes very deep, gently, but quickly, bringing deep physical and emotional healing.

It transcends time and space, connecting with karmic issues, working through and transmuting incarnations, bringing the related lessons to one’s conscious awareness.

It helps to connect and heal the earth, healing and releasing discarnate spirits, helping them to move on through compassionate and loving action.

Karuna Reiki® is a great gift that can help us recognize that complete peace is already within us all. This recognition can then bring us to merge with the oneness of all creation.

Karuna Reiki® symbols, like the Usui Reiki symbols, are sacred and can be compared to energetic keys. They can assist the practitioner in bringing deep healing in many areas:

Past life issues

Physical, psychological, emotional abuse; child abuse

Cellular healing

Unconscious patterns, addictive behaviours, fears

Psychological or psychic “attack

Heal insomnia and panic attacks

Spiritual emergency

Karuna Reiki can improve a person's life by:

Developing healthy habits, healing relationship issues

Developing Universal Compassion

Harmonising chakras and clearing the human energy system

Helping manifesting goals, bringing focus and strengthening our self-esteem

Aligning with higher self, bringing balance, deeper connection and enhancing spiritual guidance

Connecting to personal Divine power and trust in life

Creating peace and healing the Earth

Enhancing psychic senses such as clairvoyance

Attunement to Karuna Reiki and the symbols

Attunement can be defined as the act of “matching vibration” with a specific spiritual energy of frequency of light. Attunements raise the vibration of an individual. They can take place through initiation form one person to another, through spiritual and energetic practice, or in rare in-stances through spontaneous occurrence.

With the rapid acceptance to Karuna Reiki energy by healers around the world, we find that the strength of Karuna energy is increasing exponentially as more people are attuned, or receiving Karuna treatments. As the strength of Karuna Reiki ascends, the power of the attunement to clear and fortify our subtle bodies intensified as well.

The ability to channel Karuna Reiki is passed on from a person who has been attuned as a Karuna Reiki Master and trained in the attunement technique, to a person wishing to receive an initiation attunement.

The Karuna Ki Reiki Class:

Karuna Reiki is most often taught to individual who are experienced Usui Reiki Masters, however it is possible to learn Karuna Reiki as a practitioner.

Karuna Reiki Level -I: Practitioner Level

This level taught to people who are Usui Reiki Advance practitioners. To learn the practitioner level of Karuna Reiki, the student must have previously been attuned to second level Usui symbols, as well as the traditional Usui Master Symbol, at the practitioner level. Some schools/Reiki centre call this pre-requisite Advance Reiki or 3A.

Four symbols are taught in this level, and an attuned to those symbols at the practitioner frequency is given.

Karuna Reiki Level -II: Practitioner Level

The pre-requisite for this level is Karuna Reiki Master level-I. Four additional symbols are taught in this level, and the attunement to these symbols is given.

Karuna Reiki – III: Master Level

To qualify to take this class, a student must be a Reiki master and be able to draw the Reiki II and master symbols from memory.

It is the next step after Reiki master and is complete with two levels, 1 traditional Master attunement, four master symbols and eight treatment symbols.

If one wants to become a Karuna Reiki Master and they are already an experienced Usui Reiki Master, it is not necessary to first become a Karuna Reiki I & II Practitioner. Masters are trained in three-day intensive workshop. They move through all the practitioner and master level of the energy during these programmes.

Although not necessary, it is possible to first become a Karuna Reiki I & II Practitioner, and later take the master training. This is matter of personal preference and choice.

Always remember to listen to the wisdom of your heart.

Karuna Reiki Symbols

Karuna Reiki presents 8 symbols with certain energy frequencies. Each of them holds a specific energy for a unique condition, meaning the effects can be used to bring healing where needed. Here are the symbols:


This is a powerful symbol that goes beyond time. Before being discovered in Karuna, it was one of the most powerful symbols in yoga. Even without the attunement processes in Reiki, it can still be used. The subtle sounds of Om and AUM, and can stand for the following:

  • • A for a conscious waking state
  • • U for a subtle unconscious dream state
  • • M for subconscious deep sleep state

This symbol is also used to seal, purify, and stabilize the Aura, create a pathway to God and consciousness, and to activate the Third Eye Chakra.


This stands for healing past lives and inner issues. Because it helps in the initial phases of deep cellular healing, it is one of the most powerful symbols in Karuna Reiki. It boosts distance healing, heals past trauma, breaks the chain of addiction, heals relationship issues, and releases the feelings of unworthiness.


This symbol amplifies Zonar because it carries an added pyramid. It is used as a master symbol and can restore balance mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally for deeper healing.


It is used for emotional and physical issues, making it one of the most important symbols in Karuna. It is used to eliminate fears, heal broken relationships, protect individuals from psychic attacks, get rid of suicidal tendencies, and sustain positive changes.


This symbol represents the bonding of the female and male energy. It is a symbol of happiness and helps to balance the 6 chakras. It is also used to improve relationships, manifest materialistic goals, and heal lack of confidence.


This symbol clears the mind of negativity and connects the connection with the higher self. It brings the conscious and the subconscious mind together by opening the chakras and heightening the levels of awareness.


This symbol is specifically used for physical manifestation to heal the human race. It is a clockwise symbol that contains feminine energy. It manifests an individual’s desires helping them to get their priorities right. It is also an excellent grounding symbol.


This symbol helps you to realize that you create your future and history. It is a powerful symbol that can help you to follow your path, bring your ego down, teach you to be responsible for your happiness and emotions, and connect you deeper with the Mother Nature.


This symbolizes peace. It can help you to release all your fears and insecurities. It brings calmness, balances chakras, and cures insomnia and fatigue.

Karuna Reiki is a special healing process that facilitates the healing of allergies, chemotherapy, anxiety, karmic issues, physical injuries/emergencies, chakra balancing, addictive behaviour, and facilitates spiritual growth. The vibration of the voice used in Karuna Reiki is the physical carrier wave for energy to travel. This is what causes the healing powers to penetrate the cells and the tissues of the body deeper. People who have experienced Karuna power report a feeling of being more alive and completely healed.